He Lets Me See So I Can Act


Let Pharaoh proceed to appoint overseers over the land and take one-fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt during the seven plentiful years. 35 And let them gather all the food of these good years that are coming and store up grain under the authority of Pharaoh for food in the cities, and let them keep it. Genesis 41:34-35

         Joseph didn’t just interpret Pharaoh’s two dreams. Because Joseph possessed an administrative gift, he offered a plan to counteract the dismal prediction of famine. Joseph was a seer but also one whom God chose to implement a righteous plan.

         God never gives divine insight just for mere intrigue. He discloses His thoughts to someone who is then responsible to find out why they were given such information. Are they to pray? Are they to step forward with information? Are they to expose? Are they to encourage? Seeing is proactive.

         The gift of divine sight is built on the culmination of thousands of life experiences. Spiritual understanding is not something bred overnight. God shapes His servant through years of practice runs. The gift is sharpened through suffering. If you are a prophet, one who can prayerfully discern the mind and heart of God about a person or situation, that gift has been personally expensive. But know this too ~ the gift of divine eyesight is usually paired with another strong gift.

  • God revealed the dream so that Joseph could step up with a wise plan.
  • God reveals danger so that His child can pray.
  • God reveals the root of a problem so that truth can be proclaimed and unrighteousness exposed.
  • God reveals the broken heart of another so that they may be strengthened by compassionate words and actions
  • God reveals where people perish for lack of knowledge in order for a teacher to arise.

         What has God been showing you about a person or a situation? Perhaps that revelation has been painful, arrested you in place, and you feel helpless. Assess your giftings and ask God to show you how you are to channel what He has revealed. God, in your story, has prepared you for such a time as this.

I have been tormented by what I see. Give me Your action plan. Amen

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